Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Watching the snow fly

Hard to believe it is the first week of May.
The snow is flying out there with high winds. It was a cold trip to the chicken coop this morning.

Dave was hoping he would be able to work outside last night after work before the dark descended. But the cold rain was coming down pretty good.

My friend Pat in Houston Texas let me know her husband was in a car accident yesterday (truck). He is okay but this is a big blow to them.

My sister in law Sandy was supposed to have had another surgery this week, they are trying to get rid of the infection that just doesn't seem to go away. They had to cut out more skin and chip bone away in her skull again I believe.

I am hoping we can get our garden area tilled in 2 weeks and get the potatoes in the ground.
Here is our garden area just sitting there waiting for the rototiller.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a lot of things going on around you. Keep your chin up. It has got to get better.


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