Wednesday, November 1, 2023


 I was going to do a post in the middle of October and ended up sick. Dh brought home a bad sinus cold type thing and I caught it from him about 2 or 3 days later. He is better but I tell he's not quite right yet when he has to be gone most of the day or tries to do to much here.

A lot of the family has been ill as well in all their different places, in and out of our state.

We had our first snows 5 to 7 days ago. Warmer this week with rain starting today. May mean freezing at night and ice in the mornings.

On the morning of the 9th of Oct. a good size bear scared our neighbors cattle and they plowed through their upper fence to get to the lower fields. It then went under our mutual fence in the upper pasture and tore a T post out of the ground and broke the cattle fencing away from another T post. It proceeded down to our lace and went through 2 fences letting our 3 visiting mules out. We don't know where the bear went out but it may have followed the mules out the driveway. We found them around 4 miles away visiting a horse at another farm.
Thank you Nancy for letting them stay and visit while we let the owners know they has escaped and gone walk about. Mrs. C came with her horse trailer and picked them up. They due to go home on Sat. anyway.
This is where they are in the mornings for their oat treat. To the east of thee back yard the day before.

On the way home I spotted 2 white turkeys with the rest of the flock at a neighbors. Not real good pics with my phone.

All take care and don't forget to have extra food, water and blankets on hand for cold weather if your electric goes down. A few games for the kids and etc. to.