Sunday, July 21, 2024

Full Blown Summer

 The heat of summer is here. We pretty well had a cool June. Th window AC is in our bedroom and then we open up at night and have fans in the windows at night. One blowing in and one on the other side of the house blowing out. The nights aren't to warm yet and that helps. One just has to get used to it. :)

All kinds of Birthdays in July. I think I got them all.

We've been on level one evac for a week. But it looks like the fire is going more to the west, northwest. Called the Cougar Creek fire. We were getting ash fall on Wed. but none now. This is looking south west from our barn on Tuesday the 16th.

The field to the south of us on Wed. the 17th.

Helo with water bucket going over. The planes were going around to the west and the trees were always in the way.

The garden is doing so so, looks like we will have mainly potato's and pumpkins, lol. The to cool June kind of did it under. The onions also look good. To many nights at or below freezing.

Onions that went to seed for next year.
Pumpkin patch, hopefully we get some good pumpkins before the cold weather hits. Should be around the middle of September but one never knows.

I have slowly been writing my next book. Seems very slowly.

The turkeys like their new extended yard. There are 4 of them, 2 are the neighbors.

We have never had a light feathered one like the one on the left before.

Everyone take care and God Bless.

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