Monday, May 20, 2024

Cool Front Here

This week we have been back to the high 30's F. at night. With high 40's and low 50's during the day. Supposed to be 55 F. today with rain coming in.

The apple trees are blossoming out. I hope it's not to cold for them to be pollinated. The lilacs now have small leaves. Might have flowers on the bushes in another couple of weeks. Tulips are up.

We found that the well house piping sprung a leak on the out going side last night when all of sudden we had no water last evening. Just above the shutoff. :(. At least it can be shut off.

Dh has a dentist appointment this morning so he left early to get the parts he needs.

We're still trying to get the camper ready for son in laws mom to live in for a week and may have to fill the water tanks up at her place. Her old manufactured home is being torn down and the new one won't be here until next week. She doesn't want to leave her place unattended because there are to many sticky fingers around her. Lots of her things are in a couple of sheds right now and on a deck.

Dh will head up there to Orofino ID. about 1 or 2 this afternoon to move her big things onto her deck. Fridge, washer, etc. etc. and take the camper up tomorrow. I've been putting things in that I think she might need. Paper plates, silverware, towels and so on.

D will be up there on Wed. as well when the demo guys come. We're hoping they can finish it in one day. Also supposed to rain Wed. :( that we didn't need. We pray that doesn't put things off because the new place comes the beginning of next week.

Also D will be heading to Burbank, WA. Wed. night so he can take a son to the hospital on Thursday morning for surgery. Then bring him home. It's a three hour drive one way.

A few of the pics of the bowl cozy's I have been making.

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