Okay the year is just about half over.
We have to replant some of the garden but the potatoes are doing just fine.
Hubby has been trying to get some of the things he wants to do outside done and that is taking shape little by little. The chicken coop is cleaned again so another item off the to do list.
Always mowing to do, the 2 front wheels on the riding mower had to be replaced, couldn't keep air in them but for one mowing. Come to find out they were cracked with age. Some of the work like around the creek is hand mowing.

This is pretty much a every morning visitor.
The visiting mules are most always waiting for their treat in the morning. Peach is on the right and won't even look at you until she has her treat. Then she will grace you with eating hers. Stella will grunt and make all kinds of noises at you until she gets hers.
The well equipment had to be replaced, ack, ack, but was and had been giving us fits and trouble for a couple of years or more. We replaced a control but that didn't do it. The well head was 45 years old and the well guy said that was good use.
These 2 were bedded down up by the well house.
This was the inside of the well house.
Now the inside. We will wrap the pipe later for winter again.
The 45 year old well pipe was a glued together mess.
Sunset the other evening.
June daytime moon.
That pipe ! lol