We have been getting a lot of smoke from the fires up north and we're almost as south east as you can get in WA. The further you go north the worse it is of course. I really feel for all those so much closer to the fires and sure pray they get them under control soon. Some days are worse with the smoke. The long range weather forecast shows smoke coming our way with those north winds all through this coming week as well.
There are supposed to be mountains back behind the tree line.
There are supposed to be mountains back behind the tree line.
So far all we have managed to get in is 1 cord of wood for winter but a better start than some years when it is so dry. We are under a burn ban and it is brown and crunchy out there.
I am feeling better thank goodness. I lost July pretty much between sinus pressure headaches at the beginning of July and a bad cold shared with me at the end of the month.
I have been trying to work on a walking stick and it has been slow going.
I think I have all the family ancestors that I can find for one of my 1st cousin's wife. We will have to buy a new ink drum for the printer so I can print her pedigree sheets off. :)
One of her line goes back to the 1600's as well and a Montauk Sachem Wyandanch with a wonderful painting of him that was done.
- 1615, Montauk Village, New York, United States
- 1660, Long Island City, Queens, New York, United States

I love the painting!