Friday, June 10, 2016

Cold, Hot ,Cold and a Wedding

We spent 4 days way to hot for us 90's. But yesterday it cooled back down and today it was a whole 50 degrees. But it made for baking being a lot more comfortable.

Wednesday we had large hail. Hubby's hand. Here is one of them.

Made some non gluten dishes and a banana bread for those at the reception that can't have regular noodles or flour.

Daughter Ch and An are getting married tomorrow Saturday at 11 am. in Clarkston WA. Then a reception out in Pomeroy, Washington. 

Here's the cake I just finished for them. She didn't want fancy, so this is what they are getting. He is a Vet. They both like trucks, cross bows and etc. He likes motorcycles as well.

I also finished the baby quilt a couple weeks ago for the new great grand girl that will come in August. Kept it simple.
The meat birds and turkeys are now down in their big pen. That was a chore transferring them from the barn. 24 Cornish X-Rocks and 5 turkeys.


  1. I bet that cake will be a big hit; awesome job!

  2. awesome cake!

    When does one switch chicken feed from starter to scratch? lol! And how does one train chickens to come back to their coop? what age should I begin to let them out?

    LOL! HUGS to ya!


      We let ours out around 2 months old.


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