Weather peeps say 50% chance of rain today and 60% tonight, we hope it does rain. It has been a dry winter for us. Not the wet one like was predicted. WE NEED MOISTURE. Our creek is already starting to slow down to almost nothing and that is way too early.
Our building comes in May and hubby has been looking over the blueprints, the end of April will be the time to have good weather as he has to do the footers and other concrete work to have it cure before he starts to build on it.
Here is the link to what they are:
This is more or less what it will looks like inside.
It will be so great to have the tractor inside that instead of in my outdoor kitchen :). Maybe we can get the kitchen finished this summer also when that building is all done.
We also have the kitchen and bathroom floors to do. That means moving everything out of the kitchen and taking out everything in the bathroom as that floor needs lowered. The former people just kept adding layers to the floor.
(He has been talking about starting these this coming weekend.)
Since the Mission is being postponed as Dh's new calling in the Church takes precedence, we are thinking of getting a couple of steers so we don't run out of meat. Plus I miss having animals, funny huh.
We are talking about going down to lower AZ to visit our daughter, son in law K and the grands, but it will have to wait until he retires in April. We are trying to figure out when to fit it in. We really miss them, as we haven't seen them in over 9 yrs. The grands in Ohio it will be 10 yrs this summer :(.
We don't even get to see the ones around here as often as we like either. Everyone is sooooo busy, work, sick, activities etc. etc. and thats us also not just them.
Son S and daughter in law Jess bought a travel trailer for going around to the different towns for the kids ball games and etc as last yr they said they spent way too much on motel rooms taking the daughter M to her games and tournaments. I don't blame them one bit. This way they will have it for lots of other things for years to come and it will more than pay for itself.
There will be times that they have all 6 children with them and they will more than need the room.

Our building comes in May and hubby has been looking over the blueprints, the end of April will be the time to have good weather as he has to do the footers and other concrete work to have it cure before he starts to build on it.
Here is the link to what they are:
It will be so great to have the tractor inside that instead of in my outdoor kitchen :). Maybe we can get the kitchen finished this summer also when that building is all done.
We also have the kitchen and bathroom floors to do. That means moving everything out of the kitchen and taking out everything in the bathroom as that floor needs lowered. The former people just kept adding layers to the floor.
(He has been talking about starting these this coming weekend.)
Since the Mission is being postponed as Dh's new calling in the Church takes precedence, we are thinking of getting a couple of steers so we don't run out of meat. Plus I miss having animals, funny huh.
We are talking about going down to lower AZ to visit our daughter, son in law K and the grands, but it will have to wait until he retires in April. We are trying to figure out when to fit it in. We really miss them, as we haven't seen them in over 9 yrs. The grands in Ohio it will be 10 yrs this summer :(.
We don't even get to see the ones around here as often as we like either. Everyone is sooooo busy, work, sick, activities etc. etc. and thats us also not just them.
Son S and daughter in law Jess bought a travel trailer for going around to the different towns for the kids ball games and etc as last yr they said they spent way too much on motel rooms taking the daughter M to her games and tournaments. I don't blame them one bit. This way they will have it for lots of other things for years to come and it will more than pay for itself.
There will be times that they have all 6 children with them and they will more than need the room.

About or Barter Items
This thing is driving me crazy, it just won't go in right :(. Sorry
1. Candles
Garden tools
- Fly swatters
- Insect repellant
- Insect spray
- Rat & mouse poison
- Rodent traps
- Scissors
- Needles
- Straight pins
- Safety pins
- Buttons
- Thread
- Elastic
- Material
- Dry beans
- Rice
- Noodles
- Flour
- Spices such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice,
sage, parsley etc.
- Cooking Oil
- Coffee filters (all kinds of uses)
- Pepper
- Sugar
- Salt
- Hand crank or manual can openers
- Canned food – any type
- Wooden, strike anywhere matches
- Old newspapers
- Wax for fire-starting
- Large cotton balls with soaked in petroleum
jelly (also for starting fires)
- Bleach (or freshly made pool shock)
- Baby wipes (Note:
these can be used to clean face, hands, arm pits, groin in case there is
no water. If dried out, pour in a cup of water into container)
- Cocoa
- Baking Soda
- Coloring books & crayons
- Scrap paper
- Pencils
- Ballpoint pens
- Copy paper
- Lined notebook paper
- Tooth paste
- Toothbrushes
- Dental floss
- Combs
- Hair brushes
- Disposable razors
- Nail clippers and files
- Feminine products
- Toilet paper
- Hair pins and bands
- Batteries all sizes
- Matches
- Lighters
- Aluminum foil
- Baggies all sizes
- Plastic sheeting
- Socks – all sizes & colors
- Shoe laces
- Reading glasses
- Garbage bags (can’t have too many)
- Brooms
- Dust pans
- Clothes pins
- Clothes lines
- Garbage cans
- Dryer Lint (to use as fire starter)
- Rope of any type
- Honey
- Hard candy
- Popcorn
- Kool-aid
- Tang
- Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and aspirin
- Children’s pain relievers
- Essential oils
- Cough syrup and other cold medicines
- Vicks vapor rub
- Eye drops
- Band aids
- Laxatives
- Lip balm or chapstick
- Axes
- Saw
- Nails, nuts, bolts, & screws
- Heirloom garden seeds
- Fresh garden produce and herbs
- Herb plants
- Hand garden tools
- Two cycle oil
- Automotive oil and air filters
- Charcoal
- Paperback books, adult and children’s books
- Plastic tarps
- Duct tape
- Homemade laundry detergent recipe and products
or store bought
- (Fels naphtha bar soap
- Washing/laundry soda, for laundry recipe)
- Regular soaps of your choice
100. Borax (for
cleaning and deters some insects)
101. Oxyclean
102. Potting
103. Garden
104. Garden
105. Plastic
tubs & containers, 5 gallon buckets and large flower pots make great
growing containers (can be 1 gallon buckets and on up. I.E ice cream buckets
Add or
delete from this list as you need to.
I took out coffee, tobacco, tobacco seeds and things like that.
This mainly comes from this site, I added a few of
my own thoughts. They have some great ideas.
Good list. Just remember that tobacco has medicinal uses and isn't just for smoking. The best use of it that I've ever found was as a poultice to draw the venom out of a bunch of yellow jacket stings.
ReplyDeleteI wish we had a barn for our big tractor at the BOL. For now however the tractor lives in the garage when not in use. I laugh almost every time I see all of the stuff we have in that garage. Looks silly to see a big Kabota tractor in an attached garage meant for a car. LOL
Yeah :) I know tobacco has medicinal uses to, thank you for reminding me of that. Just not something being LDS that I tend to have around so I don't think about those other uses, lol.