Monday, October 25, 2010

Lost weekend

Dave was ill during the end of last week and this weekend. He still wasn't feeling to well but got up at 5 am and went to work.
He was miffed at having a bad cold and coughing constantly and wasn't feel well enough to get more things done here that need done before we have lots of snow and lots of cold.
I told him he didn't plan on getting sick.
I also wasn't feeling well and we were babysitting our 22 month old grand daughter Kaylee.
She started being ill last night and I have her today. Diarrhea etc.

It rained cats and dogs at night for the last few days and yesterday and today we have high winds with the rain. It is now 34 degrees and it is 11:35 am.
Chance of snow tomorrow around 3700 feet, and that is us.

I have a yak vegetable soup going for supper tonight.
Ground yak, beef, venison or whatever meat you prefer browned with
salt, pepper, onion and garlic in the meat as it cooks
Then add 1 gallon of water
Half a cabbage sliced and diced
1 can peas
1 can carrots
5 or 6 medium potatoes, diced
Greens beans and or beets if desired
Add any other vegetable you wish
Salt and pepper
1/2 diced onion or 1 tablespoon onion powder
2 teaspoons red pepper if desired
bring to boil and then simmer for 4 to 7 hours, as you like to taste. Can cover after it cooks down.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, you guys have been feeling bad, but your soup sounds wonderful! Hope everyone is on the mend now.



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