Lets see last Tuesday the 28th of September I snapped, blanched and froze in food saver bags our green beans. I picked the rest in the garden which made just enough to have with supper that evening.
I did evening chores and after Dave came home we did a few more things like some more work in the garden by digging up the last row of potatoes and laying them out to cure up on the table by the barn and covering them for the night.
We finished up by the light of the big barn light.
I baked a Apple cinnamon bread pudding hat day also.
Apple Cinnamon Bread Pudding |
Oven 350 degrees.
3 cups soft bread broken up in small pieces
1 ½ to 2 cups sliced and cut up apples
2/3 cup brown sugar
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Mix together
Warm together 1 ¼ cup of milk and
2 tablespoons butter
Add to mixture; then add
3 beaten eggs
Pour into greased 9x9 or 8x10 pan and bake 1 hour (60 min.)
Wednesday I got up to find I must have pulled a muscle on the left side of my neck. I had a very hard time just getting the basic morning chores done that morning. The day was then spent with the heating pad and Icy Hot. Getting eggs that evening was also very interesting to say the least.
Thursday my neck was a bit better so I managed to get a few more things done like wash a load of good clothes and pick up the house.
Friday Dave cleaned out the chicken coop while I did house chores and then we worked on the trailer box.
We took down the tarps over where the X-rocks and turkeys were raised.
I washed the cucumbers so they would be ready to cut up for bread and butter pickles.
We went to town in the late afternoon and spent $45.00on a few had to have groceries. Had to skimp because we had to pay the deductible on getting the car our daughter drives out of the shop. They called that afternoon and it was ready.
That night we cut up the cucumbers and onions up and put in layers with ice and canning salt in a ice chest (cooler).
Saturday we worked on the trailer some more and a few other chores before Dave had to clean up and leave for a Church meeting, he got home about 8:45 and we went out and again by the barn light packed up the potatoes in pine shavings to store for as long as that will help them last. I will also can them as I am able.
I made a double batch of bread and butter pickle brine and had it ready to go for that evening.
By 11:30 I took off the last batch of pickles from the steam canner.
We did some pints, some pints and a half and quart jars.
Once while I was in the back yard Spring came to see if I had something for her.