Fed and watered the chickens and turkeys and the cow Spring came over to the fence; she was wanted some grain and hay, the fields are drying out bad. The bull of course had to have some to.
So hay went into the trough and got them each a 1/2 bucket of ground barley and whole oats. They were happy campers.
As I came back in I noticed the turkeys were all hunkered down out of the wind.
I have the last batch of peach jam going this morning and it sure is good. We had to open a jar and try it.
We did get spit on late yesterday as far as rain goes; they are saying 50% chance today now so we are still praying for rain.
I am trying to work on the sequel to After The Dying Time, I hopefully will get some time today to do that.
Yesterday with Kathy and baby Kaylee home there was no way to do any on it lol. She works today (leaves here at around 10:30 and gets home around 9 pm) Kaylee goes to day care until papa (Dave) can pick her up after work.
I made up the cover for After The Dying Time with a deer hide we tanned, a drop spindle, the knife I gave Dave for a birthday present and a leather purse I made a few years ago.
These are e books also.

Sal's book store front
One of our older daughters Christine that lives even more in the boonies then we do (in the mountains of Idaho) called and wanted to know if the book is done yet lol. She has been anxiously waiting.
She also called to say her husband Custis just hasn't been able to get over a illness he picked up and was finally going to the doctor, he has lost half his body weight in the last few months. :( He hasn't been able to work so she has been working three jobs to make ends meet.
Our daughter Coral that has just moved to AZ from being stationed in Germany called to say I had accidentally mailed our insurance bill to them with their mail WHOOPS. All their mail was coming here while they were in transit.
I have a package to mail out to them today so I have to remember to run to the post office this morning at about 11:30. That way it will go down to the valley today at least; hopefully.
Mail always takes an extra when mailed out from here or when coming here. Plus we need to go down and check for mail more then twice a week.
Well back to work.
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