Thursday, July 1, 2010

Half over

It is hard to believe that the year is half over already; July first wow. It was 52 degrees when I got up this morning. It was 45 when we watered the x-rocks and turkeys last night. We are supposed to get to 68 today with 70% chance for rain tonight. Here they are growing like weeds.

 We will be working on fence I guess again tonight if we are up to it. I will be glad when that is done lol.

I baby sat Kaylee yesterday and she had thrown up before i got her out of bed; poor baby.

Later I heard a racket outside and Lizzie dog was staring at the goose pen. Well it must have looked strange with 2 big bulls standing in it. Their heads were running along the chicken wire we have put up so nothing can fly down and get anything we are raising in there. We open the gate door so the geese can go in and out to get to the creek and pond beside them. I got one bull out rather easy but the other couldn't find the way out and went behind the goose house. So while he was back there I got the goslings and mama inside their house and George ran in and I closed it so they wouldn't come out at the wrong time and get stepped on.  Good thing Kaylee was down for her nap.

Then I managed to trip on a piece of wood in the chicken yard while doing the evening feeding sheesh what a klutz. Hurt several things on me lol. At least I didn't have the egg basket in my hand this time.

I have chives drying in my dehydrator :). It is a Nesco; has a motor that runs a fan and it works great. Mine isn't one of the big ones but I can get 12 trays on it.

We lost one of the baby goslings :(. These 2 that are left seem just fine.

That was enough for one day.

I found the cutest little tea pot the other day at the second hand store.

Here is what the sky's look like.

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