We have had to have fires at least in the mornings here this week. Frost a few days ago again and nipped a few things.
It is warmer this morning which is really nice. Almost 50.
Friday Dave went and played his second game of golf for the year and then we played chase the cow and bulls after he got home as they had broken through a fence into the field next door and it runs for miles with no fencing. They were a half mile from the house. Of course it was raining, sleeting and pouring rain on us the whole time. I had so mush water in my boots from the tall grass they sloshed. Dave was wearing his tenna shoes so he had better footing. So 40 minutes to get them back in and fix the fence. Not to bad but Dave says; we need a 4-wheeler. I concurred, so maybe someday. Chasing cows that don't want to come is the pits especially with only 2 people. They go everywhere but where you want them to. And Spring acted like she didn't know us from beans.
Last Sat. the 22 in the sleet, hail, rain and snow Dave got the 3 year old manure unto the garden using the tractor bucket and lots and lots of trips.
He closed the cow and the 2 bulls in the barn. They didn't like the weather anyway and were laying around in there.
Monday evening he managed to get the first pass with the tiller and thinks it needs one more to get it tilled in well. Where the tractor had run the ground was pretty hard as the ground was still damp from all the rain we have been getting.
Looks like its going to let loose this morning sometime to, so so much for drying out some more lol.
Kaylee was ill all weekend but started to improve on Monday . Kathy came home sick from work on Monday night. And so was sick on her day off yesterday.
I didn't get that soap made as yet either.
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