Dave has been home for the last 2 days ill. He caught a really bad cold from our granddaughter Kaylee. So I am wondering when its my turn to get it.
With Dave sick I have had to milk the last 2 mornings, at least I was able to do it as I am not sick yet.
We bought a new mattress after having a water bed for 36 years, at least we have the option to trade it for a different one as this one is awful hard for me.
It has been snowing since Friday. We had 5 inches on Friday with some melting and snowing again. We are supposed to have one day where there isn't a chance of snow this week.
The rhubarb is up in the garden and I hope this doesn't harm it to much. As soon as things warm up again he is going to get the garden area tilled and get the 2 year old manure tilled in good.
We won't plant the potatoes until like the middle of May along with the other root crops. We are only planting vegetables that we are low on this year.
I have been working on the family history a bit more and it is so great to find cousins with old pictures they will share.
This is my great great grandmother Lydia Margaret Bloomfield on the right and her sister Martha before 1918. Lydia was murdered in July 1918.
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