It has been some few days around here. Daughter Tanya her hubby Tim and kids Shea and Braden got to Lewiston safe and sound. They had some bad weather that slowed them down the first day but the rest of the trip went well. They were supposed to come up here to visit Thursday afternoon and Dave was taking the afternoon off to visit with them. But I changed all that. Thursday morning started out just fine I was getting things done here and there when the itching started, I hadn't eaten or taken my morning meds yet or gone out and opened the chickens and fed them.
First the palms of my hands then the bottoms of my feet, then general all over itching and started to get dizzy. I took a allergy pill then and got worse and worse just about passing out. Daughter Kathy was still home and getting ready for work while I laid on the kitchen floor not far from the bathroom. She called Dave and they talked a couple more times after that and then she said dad had a ambulance called to come and get me. So she had to call into work to say she had a family emergency and would be in late. They pumped me full of Benadryl and anti nausea drugs on the way in and I started to get better. Dave met me there and daughter Tanya came in also. They did blood tests etc etc and Doc. says I think she just a a bad allergic reaction to something lol. Duh we knew that already, so at 3:00 P M I was released to go home. Kathy had brought my glasses and some shoes so we went to her car at Sally Beauty Supplies to get them. Got something to eat and went home.
Tanya and family came up around 11:30 AM on Friday and visited and the kids played outside, they brought their son Braden and some of Seth children Solis and Morgan. Everyone went for rides on the tractor and got to see the cow, chickens and geese. I was still taking t easy so Ihad barbecue pork in the crock pot for lunch and brown rice and broccoli on the side with cheese sauce. We were babysitting little Kaylee as she was running a fever and fretful, teething we think.
Dave and I did a little shopping on Saturday and I was rough on Sunday but went into Church. We dropped off some eggs and homemade butter to my mom and came home to rest and work on family history. I like boring and normal I tell you that.
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