Wednesday, August 31, 2011

week 24 and us

New 51 Week Storage Ideas Week Twenty Four

This is for two (2) people so buy according to your family’s size.

Non-Food list:

Multi Vitamins 2 bottles adult and 2 bottles child if children in home
Rubbing Alcohol 2 bottles
Hydrogen peroxide 2 bottles
Hydrocortisone (anti-itch cream) 2 tubes any brand you like

Food List:

Evaporated milk 8 to 10 cans, if you can find this on sale buy a case
Condensed milk 6 cans
Pork and Beans 8 cans, nice for something quick, if you & family likes them buy a case
Lemon juice 2 large bottles, for canning fruits, recipes & making drinks


Hamburger rocks

Fry 5 pounds of ground meat. When meat is cooked transfer it to a colander and rinse the meat under hot water to remove fat. Place washed meat back into cleaned skillet. Fry meat again over med/low heat stirring often until you see no more steam. Keep flame low once the rocks are browning up nicely.

Place twice cooked rocks into an oven-roasting pan. Turn the oven to 200 degrees F, stirring and turning occasionally as meat continues to dry. One to two hours should be enough. Remove the meat from the oven and check for dryness. Store in Jar or Ziploc bag.

If you want to can the hamburger rocks for long-term storage, preheat some canning jars in the oven at 250 simmer lids as usual. Put the rocks into the jars while hot, and then seal jars. After 15 minutes or so the jars will cool and you will hear the jar lids "pop" as they seal in place.

The credit for this recipe goes to Mrs. Miles from the End Times Report site

Spiritual: Are we prepared as much spiritualy for troubles and disaster as we are temporally, like the 10 virgins are we prepared.
We have one side of the lean-to's mostly done, and painted. The parking side still needs painted but we ran out of paint.

Our oldest son T and family arrived safe and sound into Lewiston from Virginia and will now be job hunting.
They will be signing the 3 grandkids up for school on Monday I believe. My oldest baby is 42 lol.
We hadnt seen them in 6 yrs and they and their brothers and sisters haven't seen one another for 9 years.

1 comment:

  1. i love that heat seal technique on the hamburger rocks - simply fabulous lady! Looks like your "dirty kitchen" is coming along oh how nice to have such an extra room!


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