Monday, September 9, 2024

September, Weather is Changing and Gil Still Missing

 Most important point is that my brother has now been missing 4 weeks. The family is very worried. We hope he is not suffering and maybe Heavenly Father has taken him home. Only he still needs found.

Us. I colorized this. Top of the pic Aug. 1957. The boys have new shorts for school and I got a dress. Very special for us to get something new.

Our weather is about to change. We were having an Indian summer but in one day we are going from mid 80's F. to 59 degrees. We will be in the low 40's F. at night.

We have been rearranging things and painting while we can. Front enclosed porch/laundry room redone.

West side coming out the livening room door.

East side, wonderful.

He's still hoping we can get the barn painted before the to much cooler weather hits when painting won't be a good thing.

He wants to cut more wood to dry for next year. He has the dry wood from last year all split and now stacked in the wood shed. We put up the bracing first on the roof beam.

There is more in there then this now.

The wild turkeys have been going past in small groups. Just 3 in this one but 9 in another. One of the albino's was with them.

Take care and all be safe in this craziness that is going on in our world. God Bless.