Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Raining on our parade

We have been trying to get back outside to work. We have had tons and tons of rain and it has pretty well taken care of the snow. We did manage to get 2 of our scrap piles mostly burned.
First DH had to divine where our wiring went to the well house to make sure the one pile wasn't over them. This works very well for wire, pipes and anything buried in the ground in a straight line. This was 2 weeks ago. Now the only snow is in the higher drifts, under the tree line and above us at about 4,500 feet.

We can't start the fence work until the ground hardens up. No way to tighten the field fences. So that will have to wait.

We did pick up the meat birds, some belong to the neighbor and we will raise then here with ours, 5 turkeys bought 3 and 2 were free as they were getting to big. We also picked up a dozen Jersey Giant chickens. The Jersey's are supposed to lay dark chocolate brown eggs.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Back to work outside.

With the nicer weather it's back outside for us to get some work done. So this is just the beginning of all that has to be done including finding out what is wrong with our farm truck.

Dh drug the rest of the snow bank away from the front of the garage.

This was us on the 2ed of April, snow. We found that the back fencing is broken and squshed. 

We have most things moved in the kitchen lean to so it's about time to fire up the wood cookstove and do some more cooking in it.