Saturday, July 30, 2016

Been A While Again.

It's been pretty busy around here the last few weeks.

We managed to get 7 cords of wood split but they need to be stacked in the woodshed yet.

We went camping down on the Grande Ronde not far from the Snake River for a 3 and 1/2 days. Yes I know we're up in the boonies but when home we feel we just have to get more of the work accomplished and it was good for hubby to have a break from the work he has to do around here.

Volcanic rock on top

Hubby has also been helping the neighbor put up some more fencing and trying to work on ours as well.

It has been pretty hot here and so we waited for 5PM for it to cool off and then went up to our wooded area to cut down a couple of dead trees and he cut them up as well. We still have a couple more to go. But they will be taken down another day.

It was good to get back to the house and get a shower with all the wood debris, sawdust and bugs sticking to us.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

48 Deg. Today, New G Grand Girl, Paleo Banana Bread

For proof of our temperatures here you go. I like being cool but don't expect temps like this the 2 ed week of July. We have had some wonderful rains this weekend which is the up side. I is so nice to have a green yard and fields instead of brown dry crunchy grass.
We worked on splitting wood the last few days as winter will be upon us before we know it and that wood shed needs filled. I normally operate the splitter.

Saturday 9 July we did another pile just like this one.

The pieces of the metal shed that will be up behind all this is still sitting on the barn. We were hoping to be able to get it up this year but the foundation (footers) need to be put in first and it just hasn't worked out to be able to do so as yet.

We don:t have a picture yet but another great grand girl was born this morning at 9:39. She was 1 &1/2 months early but was still 4 pounds, 14 oz. named Andee. Grand daughter S had to be flown to Spokane WA yesterday when the contractions started. But so far both are doing well.

Paleo Banana Bread:
3 smashed up banana's
2 teaspoons baking soda
3 beaten eggs
1 to 2 tablespoons maple sryup or 1 of honey
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 table spoons extra virgin olive oil or oil of your choice
2 cups non gluten baking flour (I get ours at Costco)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt 
Preheat oven to 350 deg. Grease bread pan with coconut oil or butter. Dust with your flour. Pour in your batter and smooth even. Slide into the oven and bake 55 minutes. If your oven runs a little hotter check with knife at 50 min. Mine is a little slower so I have to bake 1 hour.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

New Chickens in the Coop

Yep the chickens have been transferred down to the coop and are even walking out unto the ramp lol. It's a whole new world for them.

We went to the 4th of July breakfast yesterday at the Chapel. It went well and had a very good turn out. Over 100 folks.

Today is busy, we have mowing to do and lots of odds and ends chores.

We just shook out all the rugs and the dog blankets getting ready to wash them. See odd chores alright. They really have to be done after being on the front porch with the dogs for months, yuck. Then sweep. The little chores always get put off when big ones come along.

Here is the spinach I have growing in a large pot on the front deck. It is growing well. Pot gardens do work well for some vegetables.