Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Been a nice March.

It has been a while since I posted again.
Life just gets in the way of posting here it seems. I will catch you up on things.

We have had some snow off and on, waking up to snow and having it melt off as the day goes on. Not bad some days with flurries off and on and rain. On a few days we had it all, snow flurries, hail, sleet, rain, sun and then back to snow again.

Lots of wind, some even blew some of our flashing off the barn left top of the barn. Here is dh putting it back up, it was ripped in half and crunched but he did a good job. barn needs painted again.

We also helped our neighbor slaughter and then 10 days later butcher it. They cut up on side and then 3 days later did the other.

DH was ill most of the month and is going in for more tests this morning. These were his better days and things had to be done.

On one of the butcher days I handed my camera to grand daughter and that kept her busy, she ran around taking pictures of all sorts of things. The creek, plants, dogs, rocks, the truck and so on.

I made biscuits and chili on and in the wood stove you see in the back of this last picture. The temperature was in the 30's so it helped. They guys finger were numb from the cold meat.

Heard from my brother T in Illinois, my sister in law's brain cancer is back big time and she only has 2 or 3 months left There is nothing the doctors can do now. She has fought a good fight and had been around longer then many others that ended up with this in McHenry IL. brain cancer cluster area at McCullom Lake. Videos next.

Sis in law in beginning Sandy.

Another with Sandy and my brother at the end.

Maybe someone will get something, my brother had to settle for very little just to pay the bills and then the money was gone. The amount was under 400,000. Way under :(. The lawyer got more than they did. We are all ticked about it. But what can we do. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Snows Been Melting

Been a while since I got to post here.

I caught something a couple of months back and it has been tough to feel better again. I think I am on the road recovery. I best be I am getting tired of this lol.

DH is off to activities tonight as March his his month to be in charge.

Taxes are finished and we had to pay into the state enough but not as bad as last year. One has to pay on your social security if you worked over a certain amount and he didn't retire until last April, so we had to pay.  Ack.

The snow is melting well here, only the tallest of the drifts remain. We received about a 1/2 inch of new snow last night but is almost gone now.

I just found we are out of things like onion powder, I found I hadn't kept track and let us run out, only been like 6 years since I bought some. I know it's not a real necessity but I like having it around as DH prefers it to pieces of onion.

No recipes this time. Will put some more up next time.

This is before the snow started to melt.