Saturday, September 28, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Barn getting it's new paint

 Dh is giving the barn it's new coat. It was time again. Especially on the south and west sides. Red this time. He is trying to get this done before we get those freezing temps.

West side

East side being scarped at dusk.


More dry wood was put in lean-to as well.

Also canning.

A few of the pumpkins that were ready have already been given away. The summer squash was canned up, there are only like 3 growing and one will be left to grow more and saved for seed. A few were given away.

So far we are having an Indian summer which is a big help in letting the rest of the things in the garden mature. Mostly pumpkins and potatoes now.

My oldest brother is still missing, Roscoe, IL. Over 6 weeks now.

Our dad who passed in 2008 and brother Gilbert when he was 2.
One of our past times.

Monday, September 9, 2024

September, Weather is Changing and Gil Still Missing

 Most important point is that my brother has now been missing 4 weeks. The family is very worried. We hope he is not suffering and maybe Heavenly Father has taken him home. Only he still needs found.

Us. I colorized this. Top of the pic Aug. 1957. The boys have new shorts for school and I got a dress. Very special for us to get something new.

Our weather is about to change. We were having an Indian summer but in one day we are going from mid 80's F. to 59 degrees. We will be in the low 40's F. at night.

We have been rearranging things and painting while we can. Front enclosed porch/laundry room redone.

West side coming out the livening room door.

East side, wonderful.

He's still hoping we can get the barn painted before the to much cooler weather hits when painting won't be a good thing.

He wants to cut more wood to dry for next year. He has the dry wood from last year all split and now stacked in the wood shed. We put up the bracing first on the roof beam.

There is more in there then this now.

The wild turkeys have been going past in small groups. Just 3 in this one but 9 in another. One of the albino's was with them.

Take care and all be safe in this craziness that is going on in our world. God Bless.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Tribute To My Oldest Brother, The Search Continues

There was another search in Roscoe, IL. yesterday for my brother who has been missing since 12 August 2024. Nothing was seen of him. :( We are still hoping and praying he can be found, one way or the other.

They will set up another these are mostly family, friends and folks who care. All volunteers again.

Just some quick snap shots from here and there in his life.

Mom and Gilbert

Gilbert on left

Our family Gilbert on left, we weren't cooperating very well lol. Mom had red hair which didn't show in this picture.

Gil on right, T and I

Gilbert on right, mom on the left holding Gil's son B.
Gil and wife

Things in life happen so quickly. Some times we think time is moving slow but it really isn't. One blinks and years have gone by.

Dad left this world in 2008. He and mom had been divorced since I was 4. Through the years they were friendly. Mom crossed the veil in 2023. Her sister in 2022.

My step mom Marge crossed over in 2006. My younger half sister Laura in 2018. Step brother Vernon in 2022. We will meet again.

But we have our memories and hopefully remember the good times. Yes, makes me maudlin thinking on this. 

In  my minds eye and can still see us walking down the sidewalks of Milwaukee when we lived in town with the boys taking turns pulling our red wagon. We were going house to house asking for pop bottles. They were glass in those days and you could get money for their return for cash. Just nickels and dimes but a lot to us. We collected newspaper as well that we got pennies for at the local junk yard. I think the men who worked there were just being very nice.

We would buy 10 cent paper kites to put together, balsa wood airplanes that were also 10 cents and penny bubble gum. 

Gilbert on left with T and I.

Just heard this morning that my aunt Virla passed away just after midnight. My dad's little sister. May she rest in peace. She was 83. The last of their generation. Virla is the little girl.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Putting up news.

 I am putting up news of my oldest brother first. He has been missing since the evening of the 12th of Aug. he has Alzheimer's. His name is Gilbert and may be confused. They live in Roscoe IL, Winnebago county by Rockford, but he may have walked a long distance.  Also near Machesney, Rockton etc. Please contact the authorities if you come upon him or see him. Prayers welcome on him being found.

We have been trying to get some work done around our place. Dh tore out 3 of the really old front barn ramps and redid those.

Extra wood we had.
The left over shingles from the house work great so no slipping in bad weather.
Another, it mostly needed some TLC and recovered.
3rd one rdone and new shingles went unto it as well.

The paint for the barn has been bought it will be barn red again soon.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 31, 2024

The fires are still going. What was nice we had rain Monday night in the area. That helped a little and cooler temperatures. and less smoke. A lady at Church shared this list in case anyone needs to evacuate from their homes.

It is heating back up here and down in the valley big time. Today  80's and into the low 90's tomorrow. We will be mid 90's F. Friday, but down there 108 plus. They take the temps up at the airport where it is always a bit cooler than the lower valley. Friday will be the hottest but they will have 106 Sat. not that much cooler.

Stella the summer mule was throwing her bowl around this morning. I guess she thought I hadn't given her an adequate enough amount of oats. She went over and pushed Clara away from hers and spilled what little was left in Clara's bowl. Then went back to hers and was making all kinds of noises on how unhappy she was. She is a real talker. That's smoke all around us not haze.

I did manage to get a huge of pork shoulder roast Dave found on sale canned up on Monday. Ended up 5 quarts of meat and one of broth. We did it in 2 crock pots. Turned out nice and tender. The fat was reserved and bagged up for Bear dog to be doled out to him a little at a time as a treat. Don't want to give him to much and upset his stomach with to much richness. After being cooked up and stuffed in jars it doesn't seem like as much. I was glad to get that done before hotter temps came back in.