Saturday, May 27, 2017

Class Taught and Fencing Work On Going

We did a Bug Out Bag class also called a BOB and or 72/96 hour kit a week ago. Information booklets were made up and handed out. Along with some tasting of dried foods.

The fencing around the place is being worked on. The upper field fence was cut by what must have been a poacher getting something out of our field. So that has been repaired and of course there was more to it then that as a fence brace had to have the post concreted in and a cross post put in.

Monday we are hoping to get the brakes put on the farm truck. A grandson is coming up to help which is nice.

Today I cut chives and I picked asparagus. Will cut one of the rhubarb patches next week. I have frozen fruit that is thawing and will also be canned up next week.


  1. I hope your class went well!!! :)

  2. No question you were in an LDS chapel!! You can always tell from the furnishings!


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