Saturday, April 11, 2015

So much to be done

Sheesh, didn't mean to be away for so long, If it wasn't one thing it was another.

Here are a couple of pics from last week.

I also noticed we were low on some things I normally keep extras of, Semi sweet Chocolate chips for one :). I know not REAL important but good to have around.

I have also noticed at this time of year we go through a lot of tissue, between colds and allergies it goes fast. So each time we shop I pick up 3 boxes. I was only doing that about once a month and it kept us up by 4 boxes.

Yeah handkerchiefs do the job, I grew up using nothing put them in times of colds and etc. but as long as I am able to pick some up it makes life easier. Yes spoiled, just like loving hot showers.

I have been looking on the Paleo foods and some of it really looks interesting and better for me with the health problems I have but don't know how well hubby with like some of them. Some of this cooking like Paleo I see I have already done some of for many years. More or less how I was taught to cook. But I got away from much of it.

Okay I am off to fix a toy. All take care.

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