Friday, February 7, 2025

Missed Jan. 2025

 Sorry to say I missed writting here in Jan. of the new year. The last part of Jan and this week of Feb. wehave both been ill with whatever has been going around. Makes us feel like we have lost 2 weeks and still not quite recovered. Run out of get up and go real fast.

We had grouse roaming around the back yard for a couple of weeks. Just two.

Not much else going on around here at this time.

All take care.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Nearly a New Year

 We are ending December with rain/snow, mostly rain. The 26th we woke to a pretty sight. Another cold front coming in next week.

Now it's almost gone because of rain. 

Two weeks ago it looked like this for a week or more. State Road 129 going down to Asotin, WA.

We have a new addition to the house. We named her Missy.

We were giving a couple of stray cats by a grand daughter but they had somehow escaped from the large cage and are living in the barn. They do know where to come for food. Then someone dropped off a cat on our road and it is living in the barn as well. We see it coming and going from the cat food.

Everyone take care,

May God Bless and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Snowed Again today In Between the Rain

It has been a wet cold day, Lots of rain, wind and snow. High of 38 Deg, F. so nothing stuck on the ground. A couple of the trash cans did go flying since they are now empty as dh went tot he landfill this week. But he fixed that. Afterward one always finds the things you forgot to send to the landfill of course.

My brother Gil is still missing in IL.  We had hoped he would be found by this time.

I am separating a bunch of pictures that came from my mom's place. Years worth. Someone had taken them out of the photo albums they were in :(. I will send the pictures off to the different family members. I think one more day and that will be finished with. Then I will find envelopes to send them to whom they were from.

We have managed to give a few pumpkins away but still have a lot to can up.

A picture dh took on his way home. It look like the clouds are low enough to touch.

We still have a few things to do before the snow stays on the ground. But they are getting less and less.

We went to the animal shelter and picked out a house cat. She is 3 and won't be ready to bring home until like the 23rd of Nov. She needs all her shots first and so forth. Was hard to decide which one they were all so nice.

We have a couple of barn cats but they are not friendly.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Octobers End

I didn't realize I hadn't been back in here for a few weeks again.  We've been working hard getting ready for the snow to fly. Which is supposed to be this week.

I also finished my newest book, The Turning Rock. Again is is in kindle and paperback.


The barn painting was finished. The back, 40x60 barn. Built around 1930.

Dh cut 4 more cords of wood and split it and most under cover.
The work continues with other things but I think we are down to the real little things.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Barn getting it's new paint

 Dh is giving the barn it's new coat. It was time again. Especially on the south and west sides. Red this time. He is trying to get this done before we get those freezing temps.

West side

East side being scarped at dusk.


More dry wood was put in lean-to as well.

Also canning.

A few of the pumpkins that were ready have already been given away. The summer squash was canned up, there are only like 3 growing and one will be left to grow more and saved for seed. A few were given away.

So far we are having an Indian summer which is a big help in letting the rest of the things in the garden mature. Mostly pumpkins and potatoes now.

My oldest brother is still missing, Roscoe, IL. Over 6 weeks now.

Our dad who passed in 2008 and brother Gilbert when he was 2.
One of our past times.

Monday, September 9, 2024

September, Weather is Changing and Gil Still Missing

 Most important point is that my brother has now been missing 4 weeks. The family is very worried. We hope he is not suffering and maybe Heavenly Father has taken him home. Only he still needs found.

Us. I colorized this. Top of the pic Aug. 1957. The boys have new shorts for school and I got a dress. Very special for us to get something new.

Our weather is about to change. We were having an Indian summer but in one day we are going from mid 80's F. to 59 degrees. We will be in the low 40's F. at night.

We have been rearranging things and painting while we can. Front enclosed porch/laundry room redone.

West side coming out the livening room door.

East side, wonderful.

He's still hoping we can get the barn painted before the to much cooler weather hits when painting won't be a good thing.

He wants to cut more wood to dry for next year. He has the dry wood from last year all split and now stacked in the wood shed. We put up the bracing first on the roof beam.

There is more in there then this now.

The wild turkeys have been going past in small groups. Just 3 in this one but 9 in another. One of the albino's was with them.

Take care and all be safe in this craziness that is going on in our world. God Bless.