Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Never Ending Things That Need Done

We're trying to get all the things done around here that have added up and have been planned to get finished this summer. But trying to keep up with the things that have to be done week to week. You know like mowing and weed eating etc.

Our area has seen a rash of family dogs being hit and shot. We do our best to keep ours in our fenced yard. Nothing but gravel roads here but some folks think they are running the Indy 500 or something.

The first week of summer vacation finds one of the grand girls here and digging for treasure.

Creek time

The lilac's just bloomed here this week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Just passing through and this post really struck a chord with me. The list of things needing to get done seems endless! I have to say that the weeding and mowing are the most annoying, time wasting necessities. I like the place looking neat and tidy, but couldn't the weeds and lawn be more accommodating and grow a little slower?


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